If you’re part of ibu’s Tribe you’ll have met several of our amazing volunteers over the years and this year we’ve got a fantastic group of new and returning volunteers. If you've no idea who's behind the scenes running this active non-profit here we all are.
To everyone who came to the AGM to help make it happen, we wanted to make sure we said a BIG, SLOPPY THANK YOU.

Here’s our newly elected Committee and their positions:
Executive Committee
Chairperson - Ewa Gueguen
"Being part of ibu means being part of a big family. I want to help this family to grow and keep on being a support to all family members."
Vice Chair - Alicia Ling Horsley
"I'm passionate about mothering mothers so that they can have empowering births, breastfeed successfully and parent with purpose."
Secretary - Murni Roslim
"ibu is a lifeline for parents who are struggling to make sense of parenthood. I love how it brings together people from all walks of life."
Treasurer - Esther Chew
"I believes that life and motherhood is an adventure and I hope to share this meaningful journey with my ibu Tribe."
General Committee
Marketing Communications Coordinator - Abigail Lo
Social Media & Marketing Coordinator - Deborah Lee Perrocheau
Playgroup Coordinator - Tiffany Ooi
Charities Coordinator - Gaelle Linard
Events Coordinator - Sarah Teh
Support Groups Coordinator - Namrita Bendapudi
Membership Coordinator - Herlina Permatasari
Volunteer Coordinator - Angela Gomez
Dedicated Volunteers
Web Content Editor - Bernadine Bierman
Bonda Blog Co-Editor - Amutha Chavez
Events Co-Coordinator - Purvi Modi
Administration - Joanne Leong
Contracts Advisor - Jocelyn Medallo
Official Photographer - Fernanda Bhutani
Support Group Volunteer - Rosie Greaves
Single Moms Support Group Volunteer - Syafa Rahman
Charities Volunteer - Annisa Almaqhvira
Marketing Volunteer - Lailatulain Abbas
Keep an eye out for mentions of the committee and our volunteers on social media, we’re thrilled to have them all on board and we are hopeful that 2019-2020 will be a productive year on your behalf.
If you want to learn more about ibu visit our website: https://www.ibufamily.org/ or if you're interested in becoming a volunteer write to Angela at iburecruit@gmail.com.